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Hours of service M-F 9-5, emergencies 24/7 for current clients.
Why Are Vaccinations Administered by Veterinarians?
Vaccine manufacturers stand behind veterinarians. Due to the veterinarians training, they know the vaccines have been handled and given appropriately. Thus, if the animal has a vaccine reaction or somehow contracts what they were vaccinated against, the manufacturer supports the veterinarian and animal. Additionally, due to the human health risk, a veterinarian can only give rabies vaccines. Rabies is 100% fatal if contracted, so it’s best to be protected by vaccination! Scheduling annual vaccinations is an excellent way to keep a valid client-patient relationship with your veterinarian. Legally, veterinarians cannot dispense medications without examining the animal within the last year. Hopefully, the animal won’t need to be seen immediately. Still, this relationship also prioritizes you for emergency services since the high demand does not always allow all animals to be seen immediately